Member Alter Eco Receives NBJ Stewardship Award for Full-Circle Sustainability

March 16, 2016 by dev_team


More congrats are in order for Alter Eco… following its Expo West Nexty Award, the company has been honored by the Nutrition Business Journal this week with its Stewardship Award.

The article mentions the role OSC2 has made in the collaboration and partnership toward addressing what I constantly refer to as the “Achilles Hell of the packaging industry” and it also educates the reader regarding the importance and challenges in addressing packaging.

I’m quoted in the article: “Flexible plastic is lightweight and has benefits, but the downside is that it is comprised of multiple [otherwise] recyclable layers, which makes the whole structure unrecyclable.” These companies, she says, “have ethical food in basically unsustainable packaging. It doesn’t match their values.”

For a company founded on sustainability, it’s not surprising they find these efforts an imperative, not an adjunct. “When you look at the state of the world today, we really have to act fast,” says co-founder and co-CEO Mathieu Senard in the piece. “We believe it is the duty of business—which is the strongest force on the planet right now—to really tackle the issues. That’s what we’re trying to do.”

Congrats to everyone involved. Alter Eco has taken huge steps to pioneer at huge expense and huge risk and have done it in a totally radical way—not just on behalf of themselves but on behalf of the industry. We’re so proud to be in partnership with you.